
Wendy Gates Corbett

Refresher Training
[email protected]
(919) 381-5688

Wendy Gates Corbett, is a global corporate training executive with more than 20 years of presentation experience, including running several profitable multi-million-dollar training businesses. Wendy has designed and delivered more than 2000 presentations and has published several publications on designing impactful presentation slides. She coaches professional athletes and speakers, C-levels, and leaders on delivering more persuasive presentations to both internal and external audiences.

A dreadful experience she had with a professional speaker led her to leave her successful yet stale corporate career in 2013 to embark on her mission: to rid the world of bad presentations and bad presenters (by making them both better and more engaging). Now she speaks at companies and conferences around the world on how to make yourself and your message more memorable.

About Us: Refresher Training works with professional speakers, professional athletes, and professionals who speak by enabling clients to deliver inspiring, engaging, and educational presentations that motivate audiences. They polish presentations enabling that added confidence that comes from knowing that professionally designed materials amplify messages. They provide coaching on messaging and delivery to optimize the authority and presence with which clients connect with their audience.